

So I have super oily skin and I HATE it so i'm always on the lookout for a 'miracle' product to help my skin be a bit less oily! A friend of mine used to work for Clinique and recommended I try their 3 step programme, he had used it for his dry skin and spoke highly of it so I thought 'Why not?'

The 3 step programme for those who haven't heard of it is a system Clinique came up with for all different skin types. The consultant will asses your skin and give it a level from 1-4. 1 being very dry and 4 being super oily. I was put into the level 3 category although I would say I'm a level 4. The set comes with a facial wash, an alcohol based toner and a moisturiser. It was quite expensive coming in at £60 for the whole set and this was for the smallest size they do in it all so I was praying it would work!

It's pretty self explanatory how you use it. You wash your face with the liquid soap, wipe the toner over your face with a cotton pad and then finally moisturise and repeat twice daily. It is quite quick and doesn't require much effort.

I've been using the system for just over a month now and have noticed some improvements in my skin but nothing major like I hoped. I still need to powder my face after a couple of hours but it has got slightly better. I'm going to continue using the set and see how I get on, although my toner had nearly run out so I may purchase the level 4 toner and try that.

I will keep you updated on how I get on. Have you tried any oily skin products? What works best for your skin?

Thanks for reading!

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